Is It Possible To Get A Bail Bond With No Cash Or Cosigner?

Once in custody, it can become difficult to get into contact with friends or family. Without that contact, you might not have the ability to find a cosigner to post your bond. However, you don't necessarily need a cosigner or cash. Both can help a lot, but if you have neither, here are a few things you can do instead. Request a Release on Recognizance A release on your own recognizance – sometimes called ROR, or just OR – is one of the better scenarios you can hope for. Read More 

Common Mistakes When Booking Cost Of Goods Sold

There are very few things that can impact a company's tax return as significantly as their cost of goods sold. The cost of goods sold for a business forms the cost basis of the company's expenses; it will be directly deducted from the company's income. The company is not required to pay taxes on the amount of their income that was directly related to cost -- consequently, it's very important that everything be booked properly. Read More